
Pregnancy and Postpartum Safe Skincare Routine

June 22nd, 2021

As women we’ve seen every type of lotion or potion that promises stretch mark free or more youthful looking skin. I'm sure you’ve asked yourself some of these questions. “Do these stretch mark creams even work?” “What is the best body care after delivery?” “Do I actually know the difference between hydration and moisturizer?” But the number one question we’ve all asked ourselves is… “Are there products that are SAFE to use during pregnancy or while I’m breastfeeding?!” We hate to be the ones to say it, but not all skincare is created equal. What may have worked for you pre baby may not be safe or even as effective as it once was for you. Let's break it down to the basics. We made a list of the best skincare routine and products we love for pregnancy and postpartum that are safe for you and your bump.

1. Moisturize in the A.M.

Set your skin up for success every morning by moisturizing right after you shower. Overnight while you’re cuddled up with your pregnancy pillow your skin absorbs all of it’s hydration from the day before. It is so important to moisturize with stretch mark creams . This will not only maintain that pregnancy glow you’ve been working on while pregnant, but with continued use as body care after delivery it will boost collagen and repair elasticity. Applying moisturizer in the morning helps combat dryness and stretch marks all throughout your day.

2. Keep your skin hydrated

Some of us may think that hydrating and moisturizing are the same thing, well they're actually not. So what is the difference? While they do work hand in hand, Hydration = water and moisturizer is what maintains a protective barrier on the skin to lock that hydration in. Our favorite pregnancy and postpartum safe combo  are Tummy Butter and Bump Gloss! This dynamic duo are the peanut butter and jelly to our fave skin care pregnancy craving.

3. Exfoliate at least once in a week

Ok Mama, we’ve talked about how important it is to hydrate AND moisturize. But TBH it truly will not be as effective if your skin cannot absorb any of it! Imagine trying to soak up a spill with a sponge covered in plastic. The spill would just get pushed around and slide right off the plastic. Your skin is the same way. If dead skin cells are covering your skin it will not be able to absorb any of the products you specially chose for your bump. This is where exfoliation plays a huge role. There are plenty of exfoliators on the market today, but many are filled with harsh and sometimes dangerous ingredients. It is so important to pick an exfoliator that is safe and gentle enough to sluff off dead skin, but not so abrasive that you unknowingly create micro tears on it.

4. Prevention of stretch marks

Last, but certainly not least is stretch mark prevention. As you get further into your pregnancy you may start to notice tiny pink lines on different parts of your body. Yes, stretch marks may be inevitable, but with the help of stretch mark removal creams and stretch mark serums you can help prevent and even fade existing belly marks. The important thing is to get on top of it right away. It comes down to consistency and a little help from a Tummy Butter cream. Our fave non toxic BBF (Best Butter Forever) is Tummy Butter . With its organic cocoa butter rich formula we are certain you two will become besties too.

In closing, we realize that you might not be able to do every step of this routine everyday. Heck, I barely have time to brush my hair on some days let alone put on lotion. But just do your best mama, and know that we are rooting for you!

Tell us about your favorite skin care routine!