As always, our post pregnancy skin care is 100% toxin-free and made with organic ingredients, making it a “no duh” option for breastfeeding and postpartum moms.
New mothers will love The Spoiled Mama’s stretch marks treatments
, which may still appear as moms’ bodies lose weight and change shape yet again. The postpartum tummy butter will help hydrate and add elasticity to shrinking bellies, as well as assist in the fading of C-section scars. For those with new stretchies, the pregnancy stretch marks removal serum is a MUST! With a tiny molecular structure, the serum penetrates skin to help shrink new stretch marks and improve its final appearance.
For Mamas who delivered vaginally, recovery is central to your overall wellbeing. Try a postpartum sitz bath
, made with 100% organic ingredients to aid with swelling reduction and help fight infection. Childbirth may also bring about swelling feet and ankles, so reach for our aloe leg gel to bring post pregnancy swollen feet relief
Now that baby’s here, it’s time to reclaim yourself!