Spoiled Mama Pregnancy Blog

Pregnancy Skincare: What is pregnancy melasma?
Facial Skin Care

Pregnancy Skincare: What is pregnancy melasma?

Melasma appears as splashes of darkened skin that appear on the forehead, bridge of the nose, upper lip, and cheeks. As progesterone, estrogen and other hormones flood your body during the second a...

Acne TonerHow to get rid of hormonal pregnancy acne

How to get rid of hormonal pregnancy acne

Hormonal Pregnancy Acne:Since hormone levels are elevated, it is no surprise that many women experience face & body acne while pregnant. Use products that contain ingredients that are safe to u...

Acne TreatmentsSpoiled Mama's Best Gifts for a New Mom

Spoiled Mama's Best Gifts for a New Mom

If you want gift ideas for a new mom, or searching for the next round of Spoiled Mama products to try, here are some of our best-selling postpartum products and breastfeeding solutions!

Facial Skin CareHow to Get Rid of Pregnancy Acne: 4 Essential Tips

How to Get Rid of Pregnancy Acne: 4 Essential Tips

There's a fine line between a healthy pregnancy glow and pregnancy acne -- and that line is usually an icky oily one. Whether you're battling a couple blemishes or at war with a full-blown oil slic...

Belly ButterBest body ever: 5 Pregnancy skincare resolutions for 2016

Best body ever: 5 Pregnancy skincare resolutions for 2016

When it comes to skincare, all of us have bad habits. So for the expecting mom, here are our pregnancy skincare & beauty routine resolutions to take on this year. Give your skin an extra daily ...