Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy


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Cosmopolitan Magazine

Remedies for Swollen Feet During Pregnancy

Did you say "Cankles"? Aside from being uncomfortable, swollen feet & ankles during pregnancy can lead to extreme discomfort. The good news is we have remedies for your swollen feet during & after pregnancy.

Swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy are common issues. First, your body retains more fluid, while your expanding uterus adds pressure to your veins. This makes it difficult for the blood to return to your heart, settling in the legs, feet, and ankles. Before you know it, the tops of your feet resemble raised bread loaves. So what’s a mom to do? Here is our best treatment for swollen feet during pregnancy.

First, get active! Exercise may seem unthinkable; however, simply taking daily walks or doing light exercises in water has positively affected pregnancy-swollen feet relief. As always, consult with your doc to determine which exercises will be most beneficial to you. Second, sleep on your left side when possible. This takes the pressure off the large vein that returns blood from your legs to your heart.

Other pregnancy feet swelling remedies include topical skin treatments. Try applying cold water compresses to the affected areas, or massaging a refreshing aloe leg gel to bring one of the natural remedies for swollen feet during pregnancy. The Spoiled Mama’s Happy Legs contains soothing cucumber, spirulina, and aloe to calm irritation and swelling in your feet & ankles. For the Queen Bee treatment, refrigerate the gel for a cooling and satisfying treat!

And don’t think swelling only occurs during pregnancy! Various hormonal and other factors may cause postpartum swelling. For this reason, Happy Legs is important to have in your postpartum skincare collection (and yes, it’s safe to use alongside your breastfeeding care products, too!).